
Intangible Capital: Dynamic Journal Issue

Intangible Capital aims to facilitate and enhance research and professional career of our authors, implementing a new model of Dynamic Journal Issue designed to reduce the time of publishing those articles that meet the standards of the journal...

Eight years of Intangible Capital: The challenge of its financing


Analyzed the pros and cons of an author payment financing model, and considering the funding needs of the journal, we believe that the most fair model is an intermediate author payment system based on free donation. Instead of setting a fixed price per item we will accept donations by authors. From a practical standpoint, submitting articles for review to the journal will remain free, but if the article is accepted we will request a financial donation from the authors, consistent with the economic possibilities of researchers...


El cierre temporal o definitivo de InRecs (Publicado en "Desde la Campana")

Hace unos días un compañero editor nos pidió consejo sobre cómo solicitar la indexación de su revista en InRecs (Índice de Impacto de las Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales) y le aconsejamos que se pusiera directamente en contacto con los responsables del proyecto para que evaluaran dicha posibilidad...